Dracaena is an indoor plant consisting of a rosette of leaves on straight stems, which turn into a trunk with age. In the natural environment, it can be found in Africa. Depending on the age, it can reach several meters in height. Dracaena became popular because of its exotic appearance. It fits perfectly into the interiors of apartments, houses, offices, and most importantly, it has a lot of positive qualities.
How to care for Dracaena
Dracaena is not a capricious plant that is easy to care for.
Brightness of light
Dracaena likes bright diffused light, it should be placed on the eastern or western windowsills of your house. Dracaena with dark green leaves require less light than variegated ones. With insufficient lighting, the leaves lose their natural color.

Air humidity
Dracaena love moist air, but there are species resistant to dry air – these are Godsef and Dragon dracaena – other species require frequent spraying. When spraying, it is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the middle of the socket, which can cause the plant to rot at the point of growth.
How to water Dracaena
Dracaena – loves moisture, it needs to be watered abundantly. As soon as the surface layer of the soil has dried to a depth of about 2-3 cm, the plant must be watered. Use settled or filtered water for watering Dracaena.
In summer, during the hot season, dracaena is watered once every 2 days. If the leaves wither (fall down), you should increase the frequency of watering.
In winter, dracaena is in a dormant period, watering should be limited to once a week.
If the Dracaena is located next to central heating devices, the intensity of watering is increased. When the soil is overmoistened, rotting of the root system is possible.
Feeding Dracaena
Dracaena must be fed only during the growth period (March-early September). Fertilize with complex fertilizers for leafy plants once every 14 days.

Reproduction of Dracaena
Dracaena can be propagated in three ways:
- Seeds – only green forms of dracaena can be propagated, vegetative propagation is used for mottled Dracaena (the seeds of dracaena sprout after 2 months).
- Parts of stems.
- Cuttings from the upper part. After three months, the cuttings will give roots.
The best time for reproduction is spring (a period of active growth after a period of rest).
How to transplant Dracaena
Dracaena has a powerful root system, which becomes cramped in the pot. When transplanting, try not to damage the roots. Choose the soil for transplanting for palm trees. Make a drainage hole in the new pot, put some drainage (keramsite) on the bottom. If the soil has not yet exhausted its nutrients, you can transship the plant into a container with a larger diameter. After transplanting (transshipment), be sure to water the plant and put it in a shaded place so that it takes root.

Dracaena pruning
Dracaena stem pruning stimulates the development of lateral buds, so this procedure should be done in the spring (cut with a sterile, sharp knife).
After pruning, the branching process begins and the plant becomes lush. Pruned parts of dracaena can be used for propagation. Plants with a height of at least 30 centimeters are chosen for pruning. The cut should be 5 centimeters below the last leaves on a plant with a bare stem. If the entire stem is covered with leaves, then cut based on aesthetic considerations.
Diseases and pests
Although this plant is not demanding in care, there are pests that threaten it. These are: scale, spider mite and thrips.