Category: Houseplants

Houseplants – plants introduced into the culture as decorative, suitable for growing in the home and landscaping

Araucaria – care

Araucaria is a coniferous evergreen plant that can be grown indoors in a pot.In the natural environment, Araucaria grows to the size of large coniferous trees (60 m), it can…

Calla – care

Calla is a perennial herbaceous plant with large leaves and elegant flowers of white, yellow, red and other colors from the Aroid family. The calla is found in the natural…

Monstera – care

Monstera is a large, fast-growing tropical plant. The leaves are dark green with a shine. The size of the leaves of a young plant is small, but upon reaching adulthood,…

Spathiphyllum: species

Types of spathiphyllum differ among themselves: the height of the plant, the size of the leaves, the inflorescence and the color of the flower. Spathiphyllum hybrid It reaches a meter…

Ficus – care, reproduction

Ficus is an evergreen and deciduous plant from the mulberry family. Ficus leaves are wide and oval, large or small, mostly glossy, although they are also matte. In the natural…

Spathiphyllum – care

Spathiphyllum is an ornamental plant that blooms in spring. The leaves grow from the roots, have an oval shape, during flowering, the flower looks like a “cob”, which is covered…

Miniature rose (indoor) – care

There are different types of roses: miniature roses, patio roses, standard roses, climbing roses, shrub roses, tea roses, ground cover roses. Miniature roses begin to bloom already at the beginning…