With improper care, houseplants (edema) can get dropsy. Watery spots appear on the lower part of the leaves, which turn into brown growths. The most vulnerable to dropsy: hibiscus, citrus, kalanchoe, ficus, and orchids.
Hydrocephalus or edema – this disease is not caused by fungi, viruses or bacterial diseases, but rather by improper care. Hydrocephalus does not infect other plants.
Hydrocephalus (edema) – causes of dropsy
Excessive watering of the plant, wrong location. The roots absorb water quickly, and the leaves do not have time to evaporate, and watery spots or drops appear on the underside of the leaf.

Treatment of dropsy:
If there is no damage to the outside of the leaves, it is enough to move the plant to a more ventilated and brighter place. Reduce watering, transplant and drain, use fertilizers containing calcium and potassium nitrate (increase immunity, strengthen the root system and help regulate the process of photosynthesis), frequent ventilation, treat the plant with a systemic fungicide (Fundazol, Skor).