Author: admin

Araucaria – care

Araucaria is a coniferous evergreen plant that can be grown indoors in a pot.In the natural environment, Araucaria grows to the size of large coniferous trees (60 m), it can…

Calla – care

Calla is a perennial herbaceous plant with large leaves and elegant flowers of white, yellow, red and other colors from the Aroid family. The calla is found in the natural…

Monstera – care

Monstera is a large, fast-growing tropical plant. The leaves are dark green with a shine. The size of the leaves of a young plant is small, but upon reaching adulthood,…

Spathiphyllum: species

Types of spathiphyllum differ among themselves: the height of the plant, the size of the leaves, the inflorescence and the color of the flower. Spathiphyllum hybrid It reaches a meter…