Sweet cherry jam has a special place in the sweet reserves of canning for the winter. Sweet cherry jam does not have a very rich taste, but it is tender and goes well with pancakes. Today MyFlower.info will share with you a recipe for cherry jam. Sweet cherries are a tasty and useful berry. And canned jam, cooked from cherries, in winter will remind us of this wonderful berry and the warm summer.
Sweet cherry jam: recipe
Sweet cherry jam: ingredients
- cherries – 1 kg
- sugar – 500 g
- lemon – 1 piece

Sweet cherry jam: cooking
- You need to wash the cherries well, remove the stalks and allow excess water to drain.
- Remove all the stones from the cherries.
- Pour peeled cherries into the prepared pan, cover with sugar. In 2 – 3 hours the cherry will release juice.
- Put the pan with cherries on low heat, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Stir periodically and remove the foam. Remove the jam from the heat and leave to cool completely.
- This process of boiling and cooling must be repeated 3 more times.
- Before the last boiling, add finely chopped or ground lemon particles to the cherry jam.
- Bring the cherry jam to a boil. Pour hot cherry jam into sterilized jars and roll up.
- Closed jars should be turned upside down, wrapped and left to cool.
Preservation for the winter – cherry jam is ready. Bon appetit!