Each garden area has its own look and care. Whether it’s a tiny garden or a large backyard, there is a lawn that is used to cover the soil surface between flower beds, curbs, alpine slides, trees and ponds.
Everyone wants to have a lawn to be proud of. The appearance of the lawn largely depends on what herbs it is sown and proper care. The main principle of lawn care is – regular performance of certain simple works. Then the grass will remain fresh, beautiful and resistant to disease.
The lawn must be properly and constantly comprehensive care
It includes the following works:
- regular haircut and watering
- fertilization
- timely weeding
- grounding (powdering the lawn surface with soil with organic fertilizers)
- lawn combing
- lawn rolling
- puncture (turf aeration)
- sowing of seeds
- treatment and replacement of turf (if necessary)
- scavenging
Good lawn quality can be achieved only with regular and proper implementation of all the above measures during several growing seasons.
Monthly lawn care includes four stages: mowing, watering, fertilizing and weeding.
When to water the lawn?

The purpose of irrigation is to replenish water reserves in the soil. The first sign of lack of water is the loss of elasticity of the grass. It is at this time it is time to water the lawn. Before watering, inspect the soil surface. If a dry crust has formed on it, it is better to pierce the lawn first to facilitate water penetration.
In hot and dry weather, watering should be carried out in the morning or evening. If it is necessary to fertilize the lawn with mineral fertilizers, it is combined with watering.
Excess moisture can lead to problems: the appearance of moss on the site, the development of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Diseases result in areas of weakened or dead grass where weeds or moss may appear. With a large lesion of moss, it must be fought with specialized chemicals that can significantly accelerate the removal of moss. If there are dead areas on the lawn, they should be replanted or the turf changed before the weeds start to multiply.

Lawn mowing
Thanks to regular pruning, the turf cover looks neat, the formation of new shoots and leaves increases, a strong turf is formed. With systematic pruning, the number of weeds decreases. Mowing of lawns is recommended at a height of 3-4 cm when the grass reaches a height of 8-10 cm.
During the period of active growth of grasses (May-June) lawns are cut once a week. The last mowing is carried out in September. Mown grass must be removed, as lumps are formed, which spoils the appearance of the lawn. When mowing the grass with a lawn mower, it is desirable to change the direction of its movement each time. Constant mowing in one direction leads to the ridged surface of the lawn.
Applying lawn fertilizer
Early spring fertilization of the lawn with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is of great importance for good grass growth. It is carried out immediately after the snow melts on the ice crust at the rate of 20-30 g of complex fertilizer per 1 sq. M. The second fertilization of lawn grasses is carried out during the period of active growth (in the second half of May) with chlorine-free nitrogen fertilizer (20-25 g per 1 sq. M.).
If the weather is dry after fertilizing, the lawn should be watered to avoid burning plants. At the end of the season (on the eve of the last wave of grass growth) give phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
Lawn earthing
Once in 5 years it is necessary to carry out grounding – powdering the surface of the lawn with a mixture of well-rotted organic fertilizers, sand, peat compost. Earthing can be carried out both in spring and autumn. Consumption rate of organic mixture – 8-10 kg per 1 sq. M. Thanks to earthing the bushiness of grasses improves, the lawn becomes thicker.
Lawn combing
An important method of care – combing the lawn with a rake (it is better to use a fan rake). It is held in spring and autumn. As a result, air access to plant roots is improved, various debris is removed.
Lawn rolling is carried out in the spring, starting from the second year of lawn life (on heavy loam it is carried out only on a dry surface after spring frosts). This procedure is performed with a roller as soon as the soil moisture decreases.
Rolling allows to eliminate gaps between the layers of turf, restores the capillary connection between the layers of soil, resulting in faster evaporation of excess spring moisture.
English experts recommend rolling the lawn with a roller after mowing.
Ideas for using stones in the garden, video:
Turf punching
Punching of turf (pitchfork or special roller) is carried out in order to improve the air regime and access of nutrients and moisture to the roots of plants. It is enough to do it once in 1-2 years, after a fairly dense turf is formed.
Seasonal lawn care
- remove last year’s grass
- comb the lawn with a fan rake
- remove debris that has accumulated over the winter
- roll the lawn (from the second year of life)
- fed with complex fertilizer, and during the period of active growth – nitrogen fertilizer (there are special fertilizers for the lawn that do not contain chlorine)
- on clay soils, sand is mixed with peat (in equal parts).
- remove weeds
- if necessary, repair the lawn by sowing or laying the finished turf
- the grass is cut weekly, except during the dry hot period
- as needed, feed with complex fertilizers for the lawn
- watered regularly during drought
- areas with weeds are treated with herbicides
- carry out repair of the damaged turf
- pierce the turf (pitchfork or special roller)
- apply phosphate and potassium fertilizers during the last regrowth of grass
- the last haircut is carried out in September (when the average daily temperature is set at +10 degrees)
- before the snow should fall (winter is coming), the lawn is cleaned of leaves and other debris